Indian Association of japan provided various forms of assistance in India and japan. Indian Association of Japan was established in 1997 as non-prifit and non-political organization for the purpose of conducting activities of economic and culture exchange between India and Japan together with to improve better relationship of people of these two countries to preserve world peace and humanity.
Rapid globalization and new challenges, particularly the economic crisis and climate change have induced fundamental changes in the political economy of the developing world as well as India
Since its establishment, Indian Association of japan provided various forms of assistance in India and japan. Our role has changed with time.
It has become more field oriented and practical approches with governments, international organizations, corporate and individual providing greater hope for the future.
Purpose (a)Promotion of bilateral relationship between India and Japan
(b)promotion of Indian culture to Japan and vice versus
(c)Promotion of economic relationship between India and Japan
(d)Protection of India and hapanese interest and its citizen
Department & Services (a)Planning, Proposal, Coordination and Support
(b)Economic and Commercial
(c)Culture and Religion
(d)Public Relations, Media and Publications
(e)Disaster Management and Humanity